This is Proof that Elder Cooley has eaten bugs!
This week was Nuts! Or should I say ANTS! I've had a good time watching my companion eat new things lately, like Jackfruit, Matooke, Posho, Chapati and PawPaw. This time I got to Join in the fun!
We were at a Less Active Families home and we smelt something sweet while we were teaching. After the lesson we went outside and the smell was stronger. I walked over to the Kitchen, (kitchens are not inside the houses) and i saw a pot on the cooker. It was dark in the kitchen so i couldn't see what was in it, but it smelled sweet, almost like a brown sugar smell. When i finally got a good look at it i realized it wasn't food. It was BUGS!!! I kinda freaked out a little bit. They told me that they were "white ants". These Ants are not your usual everyday sidewalk ants. These are huge!!! You can see by the pictures. Now that you see how big they are, you must be wondering, "What do you do with a big bowl of Cooked ants?" Well, YOU EAT THEM!!!
Doesn't this just look great?
Ants aren't that bad! They look disgusting and if i was back home I would never even think of eating one. I didn't just grab the spoon and start eating either. I waited till I saw the members eat some and then realized that it was okay. I then dug in! Ants are very expensive here because they are known as a "delicacy". Rich people eat them when they have guests over! (kinda like cheesecake ;)
Don't Forget to Watch me Eating ANTS!